Neil Westerman
Client Services Associate
About Neil Westerman
Neil Westerman joins Summit Wealth Management Group as a Client Services Associate with over eighteen years of experience in the Financial Services industry.
Neil holds FINRA Series 7 and 66 Securities Registrations and a California Life & Health Insurance License (#0H26660).
Neil has over a decade of experience supporting Financial Planners specializing in providing Holistic Financial Plans for their clients. Neil also has several years’ experience working as an Advisor within a major Bank retail environment.
Neil is originally from England and moved to the States over 30 years ago. He is an avid soccer fan and lifelong supporter of Liverpool FC in the English Premier League even though he was born in Manchester!!
Neil learned US Sports while watching Boston teams and remains a fan of their teams. His son, Joe, still lives in the area working as a Civil Engineer.
Outside of work, Neil and his wife, Sandi, love to walk the beach and eat out at Restaurants with a Harbor view. They also enjoy visiting Craft Breweries and still have many locations on their To Do List.