When inflation began rising in the spring of 2021, many economists, including policymakers at the Federal Reserve, believed the increase would be transitory and subside over a period of months. One year later, inflation has proven to be more stubborn than expected
What Is An Inverting Yield Curve And Does It Mean We’re Heading For A Recession?
One key predictor of downturns in the economy is what is known as the yield curve. This typically refers to the market for what the US government borrows, by issuing bonds and other securities that mature over different time horizons ranging from weeks to 30 years.
Inflation: The Not-So-Silent Retirement Killer
You hear it all the time: you should make sure your retirement savings at least keep pace with inflation. But what is inflation and how does it really affect your retirement savings?
A Beginner’s Guide to Investing After Retirement
You may be retired and considering investing some of your retirement nest egg. Depending on your situation, it is crucial that investing in the stock market, bond market, or other investments does not jeopardize your retirement savings. For this reason, investments that preserve your initial contribution but still provide growth opportunity is essential.
Volatility Continues
2022 has been a challenging year for investors so far. The S&P 500 Index just had one of its worst Aprils in decades, and May is off to a rocky start.
Wealth-Transfer Taxes Can Take a Toll on Small Businesses
Under the current estate tax laws, there are several steps a business owner can take to help prevent his or her business from being liquidated to raise cash to help pay estate taxes.
April Showers Bring May Flowers
As we move into spring and leave behind the last signs of a long winter, many worries from a chilly start to the year for markets, unfortunately, are still with us.
3 Moments in Life Where You Should Consider Consulting a Financial Professional
We discuss three common situations in life when it’s a good idea to consult a financial professional.
What Role Does Social Security Play in Your Retirement Income Strategy?
As you near retirement, it’s likely you’ll have many questions about Social Security. How much will your retirement benefit be? When should you apply? Will earnings from a part-time job affect your benefit?
Tax Planning and Financial Planning Go Hand in Hand
With tax season coming to an end, it’s the ideal time to use this year’s tax return to help update your financial plan. If you’re in the group of one in four Americans who do not already have a financial plan, it may be time to create your first one.